Several weeks before Jaden was born, Esther contacted me about scheduling a session. Since both of us had full schedules, it didn’t work out right away. After Jaden was born I took several weeks off to recover before we set a date. We ended up rescheduling that one as well since we had some crazy wind that day. After some rain in the morning on the day of their long awaited session it cleared off and we all had high hopes. Then just as we were ready to start shooting, it started sprinkling. We decided to at least grab a couple shots since we had gone to all the effort. After sprinkling lightly for several minutes, the rain stopped, the heavy clouds lifted, and we even got a tiny glow!

Since I’ve become a mom, Esther has become an even bigger inspiration to me (other than just being an awesome aunt.) With two little girls and two boys she’s in the middle of motherhood. The way she loves, cares for, and trains her children speaks for itself. One of my favorite moments happened when Adelle, the oldest, told a little cousin, “I’m not allowed to do that, but you may.” She knew she wasn’t supposed to act the way her cousin did but had also been trained to not “keep everyone else in a row.” 🙂

Matt & Esther, thanks so much for allowing us to capture your family during these young years! I know you’ll look back with fondness and I hope these images will help you treasure this short season

Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography
Indiana Family Session - Karen Elise Photography


Hair & Makeup:Doris Slabach

Photography: Karen Elise Photography

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Indiana Family Session

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