After days of foreboding clouds and drizzling rain, the spring morning dawned clear and sunny.  As her heart fluttered madly in her chest, the days of planning, checking and then rechecking every detail faded into the past. Today was the day she would finally marry the man she loved. As she donned her beautiful white dress and carefully curled and styled her hair, her joyful smile refused to leave her lips.

Surrounded by her best friends, supporting and celebrating this special day with her, the minutes ticked by. A hush filled the room as the girls gathered close and joined hands in prayer. With happy tears in their eyes, they soaked up their last moments with their sister and friend who would now continue her life as Mrs. Rhoda Borntrager.

He lived in Missouri and Rhoda lived in Indiana but that didn’t stop David. Driving nearly eight hours to see her on the weekends, he soon realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. With her infectious laugh, ready smile, and adventurous spirit, along with David’s talent for keeping everyone in stitches, (the laughing kind 🙂 ) the two spread joy and laughter wherever they go.

David and Rhoda, it was such an honor to be able to share your special day with you! Your wedding day was truly a reflection of who you are with simple, fresh details and the carefree love and joy you share.  By being true to who you are, you gave your guests the permission to do the same. I’m so excited to see where God will take you as you continue to surrender your lives to Him, love and serve each other, and the people He brings into your life!

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Fresh Spring Wedding – David & Rhoda

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