Family photos have become a yearly tradition for us. I was pregnant with Jaden around the same time we celebrated our one year anniversary. Since then, it’s kind of become a thing. Each time we’ve started our session at the exact same location with Jessica Rose Photography. I love seeing the growth and I’m always surprised by how much of a difference a year makes.

I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to schedule a shoot this year. Then, as I thought about Jaden being our only child for just a tiny bit longer, I knew I wanted to remember “just the three of us.” I’m so happy we invested in capturing this time in our lives and I know I’ll never regret it.

As I enter motherhood for the second time, there’s some things I’m doing differently. When I was a first time mom, I kind of thought I knew what to do, (and as the oldest of 10, I probably had a better idea than some.) Come to find out, there’s so much more to it than knowing how to change a diaper.

There’s no handing off your newborn when you’re exhausted, sleep deprived, and you can’t seem to get your precious baby to sleep. As they grow, things that used to work, don’t any more. No matter how much you research, each child is unique and as parents, we constantly need to adjust and grow.

As a mom, I love Jaden more than I ever imagined I could. I, like every other parent who loves their child, want and try to do what I believe to be the best thing for him. It takes humility as a parent to realize that what you thought was “right” may not actually be so. One of the things I regret most about Jaden’s babyhood is not understanding how fast this season passes.

I personally thrive on structure and routines. I’m a business owner who thoroughly enjoys my work. All of this played into my approach with Jaden’s routines. We sleep trained him from about four months old and while it felt great for my sanity and schedule at the time, I feel like I missed out on bonding opportunities. I’m not here to make a statement about sleep training. We obviously did it for a season and I know it’s hard to wrestle with a new way of doing something.

The last couple months I’ve been letting go a little more as it sinks in that Jaden will only be young once. Structure and routines are good but there’s also a time to loosen up and simply enjoy rocking your baby to sleep. Summer time has meant later nights, afternoons at the lake, and more ice cream, just for memories sake.

“Nothing makes a woman love a man more than seeing how he loves their children.” This is a quote I saved years ago and experience daily. It takes effort to put away your phone and other distractions to really engage with your child on their level. Aaron is the best dad and does this so well! Some of my favorite moments are spent watching the two of them together.

From building Jaden a wooden chainsaw to bike rides and whatever games they can imagine together, he fosters creativity and connection. It’s not uncommon for me to hear the two of them rolling with laughter as I wash the dishes in the evening. Few things bring me more joy. When Aaron’s home from work, Jaden is sure to found with him, wrench in hand as Daddy changes the mower blades or works on his equipment.

We’ve been talking to Jaden about his little baby brother for months and a common response is “You’re gonna have a tinnny baby and I’ll hold him.” I know it’ll be an adjustment for us all but I know they’ll also be best buddies and Daddy will have two little helpers before we know it.

My sister, Doris, did my hair and makeup and I loved how the look came together!

Someone’s just a might distracted… haha!

Ummm, heart melt. We were playing “catch” to get some candids of Jaden by himself.

My sister, Karena works for me as a mother’s helper one day a week. Last year I asked her to come along to help with Jaden and she did such an amazing job, I asked her to come again this year. This picture says it all! She has such a loving, serving heart and Jaden adores her.

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Dress: Roolee • Hair and Makeup: Doris Slabach • Florals: Karen Elise Co. Flowers • Photography: Jessica Rose Photography

Our Maternity Family Session | 2021

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