The apple blossoms blew gently in the breeze. The evening sun hid behind a thin wisp of clouds. It was my first shoot of the year after a long winter. Spring is always a busy time. With our lawn care business and getting in my cut flower and vegetable garden, this season always keeps us hopping. This year, my sister’s wedding is also thrown into the mix. It had been a rough week trying to keep up with all the things.
I intentionally got to the session location early to scout and warm up a little after the off season. With all the blooming trees in the area, I really hoped I’d be able to find one where we had planned to shoot. I was in luck! Showcasing beautiful nature spots are always fun and I was so happy to find an apple tree in bloom. Just as Mary and Keith arrived, it sprinkled a tiny bit but it barely lasted several minutes.
Mary is my first cousin and the first of my cousins to get married. I’m the oldest of 45 grandchildren. I got married almost four years ago so it’s exciting that there’s two weddings in the family this year. When we were younger, the whole family lived within several miles from each other. I have so many great memories of sleepovers, bonfires, and all the imaginary games we could possibly come up with.
Mary and Keith, I had the best time with you guys! You two are so natural together. You’re young but I know from experience that doesn’t have to be what counts. Seek out people who have the kind of relationship you want to have and learn from them. Love is a choice. A choice to forgive, treat each other with respect, and most of all to grow, together.
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