Ecstatic joy shone on their faces as he held her in his arms. She had just said “yes,” to the man of her dreams. It was 17 degrees. It was likely the coldest Valentine’s Day proposal Indiana had seen in a while. He had planned a photoshoot and unknown to her, he had also planned to pop the question. It was all planned in advance and when the time came, he pulled it off without a hitch.
Several days earlier Aaron and I had met with Paul at a local park. After running through the pose that would be his signal to propose, we had to figure out a way to hide the ring box. We decided on a series of poses that would allow him to put on his coat for several minutes just before the signal pose. While I shot some individual portraits of Lorraine, Paul slipped the box into his pants pocket. I then directed the two of them into a pose that kept his hand tucked in his pocket. This was of course all part of the preplanned pose, and when he suddenly got down on one knee, Lorraine was completely surprised.
Paul and Lorraine, congratulations once again! Thank you so much for the gift of capturing these moments for you. You are such a beautiful couple, inside and out. Paul, I love seeing Lorraine bring out the tender, kind hearted soul you are. You absolutely light her world and have brought out her sweet spunky side. Welcome to the family Lorraine! I’m so excited to be getting another aunt and know you’ll be such a special piece in this big, rowdy family we are so blessed to call “ours.” 🙂
[…] Check out this Valentine’s Day Photoshoot Surprise Proposal […]